Thursday, 2 August 2012

My Epilation Journey

I was lucky enough to be chosen as part of a market research team, to help promote the new range of Braun Epilators, which you can read about here.
Before this project, i'd been somewhat of an epilator virgin, convinced it was the most painful thing in the world. I stuck to either waxing or good old shaving (my legs!)
Whereas my mum, has been an avid epilator user since i can remember, and on numerous occasions tried to convince me that its pain free.
We'd soon see how 'Pain Free' it was, i received my merchandising kit in the post, after a slight delay getting some vouchers, though this only added to the anticipation!

Now to say the hair on my legs was long would be an understatement, it was beastly. I'd been growing it since i heard I'd been accepted onto the project after hearing of the delay i contemplated shaving my legs, but i decided not to. BIG mistake.
It took me about a week to pluck up the courage to try it out, and i have to say my first time was not a pleasant experience.
After reading the project handbook like it was a bible, i decided to try it for the first time in the bath. As apparently it is less 'uncomfortable' in the bath.
I actually think i nearly cried, i cant even describe the sensation, it wasn't really pain  but it hurt. Still i managed to grit my teeth long enough to do 1 and a half legs, until the battery ran out. So i ended up having to put it on charge and brave the other half leg out of the bath.

Included in kits were packets of New Olay Pre-Epilation wipes, these are meant to give a cooling effect and help with the epilation process. So when i finished my legs off out of the bath, i decided to give these a little try, to be honest i didn't really notice much difference, it was still pretty painful. Though perhaps slightly sub-duded whether this was the wipes or the fact i was getting used to the sensation who knows. But i do plan to carry on using them!

I was impressed with the results of my first ever epilation, though initially my legs were bright red! It is recommend that if you are epilating for a night out to do it the night before and not on the day of your event. The redness was gone by morning and my legs were silky smooth!

I also epilated my arm pits, and man did that make my eyes water. Even my mum said epilating your pits hurts. But i have to say it leaves a better result than shaving.

I am going to try and epilate at least once a week, I'm going to see if i can work it into my Sunday pamper routine.

Have you ever tried epilating? Any top tips to help with the pain?

Lots of Love


1 comment:

  1. Brave girl!! I could never even attempt using it on my armpit... you'll find, it's very effective and you won't need to use it every week... I use it every three weeks :)
